Android-15,9 iPhone-1,03 Windows-248


One of the reasons for my success (many readers are a success for me) is that I realized that the time has come for mobile.
I used to work with a PC, and did everything on it, looked at my profiles through it. This is a mistake, do not repeat.
Here is an analytics extract Android-15.9 iPhone-1.03 Windows-248
This is how people look at my work.

I am learning, and I advise you to post using only mobile. I myself will write only audio dictation, and only then correct grammar.
I have been struggling with grammar all my life, readers do not pay attention to the fact that I have written many thoughts, they are interested in whether I forgot to put a comma.
But Russian is not my native language.
Any of you working in a second language will understand me.

For example, Stalin had this complex, and personally corrected the grammar in the reports of his generals, even during the war. The best-selling book was about grammar - generals and their subordinates did not want to waste the leader's time.
Let me be different from him.

In a word, on the sites where I talk about Social Networks, I will pay less and less attention to grammar, I will write only rightfully dictating thoughts by voice input. Once and for all I apologize for grammatical mistakes.

Pay attention to the meaning, not the words, please.


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