

Stanford is the birthplace of a new caste.

If you are confused by the word caste, here are some statistics:

Stanford Business Park has been transformed into Silicon Valley. 40 thousand companies came out of there, 5 million jobs were created, annual income of $ 3 trillion.

This is 167 times the budget of my homeland. Maybe we should all take a closer look and adopt the Stanford approach.

I argue from the perspective of a person who studies the learning process itself.

Since ancient times, there have been two approaches. The teacher shared fish or taught fishing.

If the matter is limited to fish - a certain obligatory list of courses, then the result is ineffective.

Having learned to fish - to learn new things, the student becomes independent from the teacher.

Stanford is a place where they prefer to teach "how to learn for yourself." Half of the graduates work in a different profile than they studied.

"Universities should not give knowledge itself, but the skill to quickly learn new things" - Professor at Stanford University Ilya Strebulaev.

In the initial courses, students are divided into small groups, and each starts a startup. And although the goal is not business, but training, more and more of these firms go into real business, and some are monetized in several billion dollars.

I repeat, without financial or other assistance, it is enough for several young people from different spheres to get together for business, and the educational process flows into a real startup.

In conclusion, I would like the Georgian Ministry of Education to pay attention to the retraining of the teaching staff. In our time of increasing changes, it is important to constantly improve your skills. Stanford has a special annual program for 30-50 year olds, more popular than regular courses.

I think it will be useful to some of those who read these words. Look, maybe there is online training.

Knowledge is the most valuable thing that can be acquired. And it only multiplies from transmission to others.

"Jesus asked: How many loaves do we have?

The disciples answered: seven ...

And they all ate and were satisfied; And they took up the remaining pieces seven baskets full,

and those who ate were four thousand. "(Bible)

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